Low-Carb Cheese Crisps Recipe: Easy Snack With Only One Ingredient

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Low-carb cheese crisps are not just a snack; they are a revelation for anyone looking to indulge in something crispy and cheesy without the guilt. These heavenly bites are perfect for those on a ketogenic diet, or simply for anyone who wants a healthier alternative to conventional snacks. With their rich, satisfying flavor and crunchy texture, this low-carb cheese crisps recipe has become a staple in my kitchen, and they’re about to become one in yours too.

Learn to make low-carb cheese crisps at home

  • Discover ingredients for the recipe.
  • Follow step-by-step instructions.
  • Find nutrition information and more snack recipes.


Crafting the perfect low-carb cheese crisps requires minimal ingredients but choosing the right type of cheese is crucial. Here’s what you need:

  • 1 cup of cheese (preferably a hard cheese like Parmesan, Cheddar, or Asiago): The type of cheese you choose can dramatically affect both the flavor and texture of the crisps. Hard cheeses work best as they tend to have less moisture, which is key for achieving that perfect crispiness.
  • Optional seasonings (such as paprika, garlic powder, or black pepper): These are not mandatory, but adding a pinch of your favorite seasonings can enhance the flavor profile of your crisps.
Low-carb cheese crisps recipe: Perfectly round and golden cheese crisps on a cooling rack


Making these crisps is as simple as it gets, but the devil is in the details—the temperature of the oven, the thickness of your cheese slices, and the baking time all play pivotal roles in achieving the perfect crisp.

  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). It’s important to let the oven fully heat to ensure the cheese melts and crisps up properly.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. This will prevent sticking and make cleanup a breeze.
  3. Place small heaps of cheese on the parchment paper, spaced well apart. If you’re using seasonings, sprinkle them on top of the cheese heaps now.
  4. Bake for 5-7 minutes or until the edges of the cheese begin to brown. Watch them closely after the 5-minute mark to avoid burning.
  5. Remove from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes to firm up before transferring them to a cooling rack.

Insider Tip: For an extra crisp texture, let the crisps cool completely on the rack before serving.


Here are a few tips and tricks I’ve learned after making these crisps numerous times:

  • Thickness of the heaps: Thicker heaps of cheese will result in chewier, less crispy crisps. For ultra-crispy crisps, use less cheese and spread it thinly.
  • Storage: Store any leftovers in an airtight container at room temperature. They’ll stay crispy for a couple of days.
  • Reheating: If your crisps have softened, pop them back in a preheated oven at 350°F for a few minutes to re-crisp.

Nutrition Information:

Here’s what makes these cheese crisps not only delicious but also a guilt-free indulgence:

  • Calories: Approximately 100-120 calories per serving (about 12 crisps)
  • Carbohydrates: Less than 1g per serving
  • Protein: Varied depending on the type of cheese, but generally around 7g per serving

These crisps are an excellent source of calcium and protein while being low in carbs, which makes them ideal for a low-carb diet.

Insider Tip: Pair these crisps with a low-carb dipping sauce or spread to add more flavor without the carbs.

More Low-Carb Snack Recipes

If you’ve fallen in love with these cheese crisps and are on the hunt for more low-carb snack options, you’re in luck. Here are a few recipes that keep carbs minimal but flavor maximal:

  • Avocado Chips: Thinly slice ripe avocados, season with lime juice and chili powder, and bake until crisp.
  • Zucchini Chips: Slice zucchini thinly, season, and bake or dehydrate until crispy.
  • Almond Flour Crackers: Combine almond flour with egg and your choice of seasonings, roll out thin, and bake.

Each of these snacks continues the theme of healthful indulgence, perfect for maintaining that low-carb lifestyle without sacrificing taste or satisfaction.

Explore more low-carb recipes and tips here!

In conclusion, low-carb cheese crisps are more than just a snack—they are a versatile, delicious way to stay aligned with your health goals. Whether you’re looking to satiate a mid-afternoon craving or need a crunchy side for your soup, these crisps are up to the task. Give them a try, and they might just become your new favorite snack.


Who can enjoy this low-carb cheese crisps recipe?

Anyone looking for a tasty, low-carb snack can enjoy these cheese crisps.

What ingredients are needed for this low-carb cheese crisps recipe?

You only need shredded cheese and optional seasonings for this recipe.

How do I make these low-carb cheese crisps?

Simply place small heaps of shredded cheese on a baking sheet, bake until crispy, then cool.

Can I make substitutions in this cheese crisps recipe?

Yes, you can experiment with different types of cheese to find your favorite flavor.

What makes these cheese crisps low-carb?

These cheese crisps are low-carb because they contain no flour or other high-carb ingredients.

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